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GEWISS LED Smart [4] lighting solutions illuminate the Pressofusioni Sebine industrial area.

Pressofusioni Sebine
Pressofusioni Sebine is a major company in Artogne (BS), dedicated to the die-casting of non-ferrous metals (aluminium, zamak, pressed brass) and the transformation of these materials into products that are mainly used in the small and large household appliances and automotive sectors, and in the mechanics sector in general. Founded in 1966, this historic company has built a reputation on the basis of its ability to deliver exclusive products, created in accordance with the technical specifications provided by the customer.

Pressofusioni Sebine
The meeting between Pressofusioni Sebine and GEWISS occurred as a result of an increasing need to modernise and improve the efficiency of the lighting systems at the foundry, as well as within the workshop and in the mould maintenance and deburring divisions. These environments are characterised by extremely demanding conditions, due to the presence of 6 melting furnaces, 20 aluminium die-casting systems and 4 ZAMAK die-casting systems. The operation saw 109 400W mercury vapour lamps being replaced with 84 Smart [4] HB - 5+5L 138W devices and 25 Smart [4] FL - 5L 69W devices.

From a performance perspective, the decision to use Smart [4] solutions, which are characterised by extreme ease and speed of installation, enabled production to continue even when the system was being built . And that's not all. Without increasing the number of appliances installed, lighting levels in the various departments were increased, leading to improved visual comfort and greatly reduced maintenance costs.

Pressofusioni Sebine
' The new lighting system has resulted in a significant improvement to the lighting in the various environments, above all in low light conditions in the evening and at night. ' - explained Giacomino Spandre, manager at the Pressofusioni Sebine foundry - ' We have always focused on maintaining the quality of our working environments, paying close attention to the conditions in which our employees work. With Smart [4], we have been able to continue this commitment effectively, providing more efficient and effective lighting. Our satisfaction is mirrored by that of our staff, who have provided positive feedback on the visual comfort provided by these new luminaires. '